Thursday, September 24, 2009

Korea...for the past 2 months (sorry)

Hey~! Sorry for not posting anything for the past two months... I haven't really had much access to a computer...well, I did...but not long enough to write a blog entry. goes. Korea for the past 2 months has been great. I spent 6 weeks in seoul studying korean at Seoul National University. I love getting to say that I studied there, because when I tell someone korean that I studied there...they always have that same WOW reaction. YOU~ studied at SNU? hahahaha...well...those classes were fun. On the first day we just had a tour of the campus and a breifing of what the classes were going to be like. It was said that we would finish one chapter in our textbook, and have a quiz and a role play at the end of each chapter. At first I did really well in the was the beginning and I was really eager to learn any Korean possible. So I was a nut, and i studied...well...I didn't study at just naturally came to me, me being the smart girl that I am (jk) I passed all my quizes...did well in the role plays...and that was good. Then...the classes became more difficult...and i didn't do so well... I studied...and for some reason the material just wouldn't stick... but...I still got a B+ on my final exam. So...that was good. On the first week that we arrived in seoul, we did all sorts of things. We toured seoul...watched a show called Miso. We were able to explore seoul at night...I was able to see some awsome graffiti near the hotel that we were staying at, and a concert...but it was just some random people, haha. Then throughout our stay in seoul we did various things on Wednesdays, Fridays... and a few times on saturday. The first wednesday we went to Taekwondo. It was...not that fun to admit. the stretching part was good...I actually really enjoy stretching...but I didn't find kicking little pads and yelling HUH everytime I did all that exciting. Yelling is supposed to bring up your self-esteem and all...but I just didn't like it. But, I did break a peice of wood in half, and got a certificate for one day of training. That night we ate dinner at a place that served beef soup. It was pretty good...made with beef (obviously) but the beef in it was prett limited...had tons of fat on it...and you had to eat it off the bone. If you don't know this...I HATE eating meat off the I didn't eat the meet. There was also these clear noodles in it that are the bomb...I love those things. But you had to add your own salt to the they had this big/small thing of crystal salt sitting on the table. for some reason I found that really interesting and cool (even though we have crystal salt grinders in my own home) and ended up adding to much salt so my soup. After the meal, I went to eat ice cream with some friends and ended up finding out that me and Lisa lived at the same subway station. even though me and lisa could have walked home together, Josh, being the big man he wants to be, insisted on walking us home. That started a long line of being walked home. hahaha. That friday...I have no idea what we did...sorry guys. I finally decieded that I was going to write this blog...but now I don't remember what we did. I'll know exactly what happened the night we did it though once I find the summer schedule. I promise I'll write again. I promise I'll finish up what happened in the past 2 months before the end of this weekend : D That was for you Aya : D I promised : D