Thursday, June 18, 2009

School Placement~

Hey Guys!
So, I got my school placement the other day, and I'm going to the Gandhi School!
I was SO not happy about it at first, like seriously? I did NOT want to be so far away from Seoul at a boarding school no less! So, I thought about everything...and now I'm all good with it. jaja!
So, I'll be going there for the year, it seems pretty~ artsy. Like, everyone has there crazy cool photography Nikon camera's and what not. It seems like they have a lot of little meetings in what we might think of as Town Hall Meetings, but not in the gym. sort of like it, being that all the people sit on the floor, jaja. But more like an auditorium with a stage where people their music and what not. Then they have like...manditory cooking classes and clothes making classes because they think that stuff is important. I think its pretty dang cool : D!
I thought that I was going to be boarding in these SUPER~~ awsome dorms, that are like the same dorm rooms as in HanaKimi, for those of you who have watched that show. SO AMAZING! I was SUPER excited about living there...but...........
I'm living with a Host Family.
Which is what I wanted, and was crossing my fingers for, so its allll good! Hopefully my family is super nice, hahaha. And I hope they can handle me. Haha...I don't think they'll ever see how I am in the dorms at school though, yo. hahaha...for those of you who know what I'm like in the dorm : D. hahahahaha. I really wonder what its like to live with a host family. At first I was like...oh its gonna be great. But then, after finding out that it was a boarding school and thinking about dorms and stuff, I'm feeling that being with a host family is going to be SUPER awkward...and I don't want to be a burden or anything, ya know? I mean who wants to be the cause of a host sisters jealously? Or, like...having people be annoyed with you because your not the same as them. I just hope that I'm not like preying for the end of the year after the first few months of living with them or whatever. I mean...its in a small town who knows how different these people will be. I'm also assuming that I won't be in an apartment, haha, duh! But, I hope I get to live in one of those like...simi-traditional sort of houses or whatever. That have like...that big "yard" space inbetween the rooms, and the "table" outside...but its actually for sitting on, hahaha.
I wonder if I'll have a bed...or sleep on those floor mat bedish things? There are so many things I'm thinking the dream I had where I ended up flinging all my food at my host father because I couldn't hold the food with my metal chop sticks. What if that actually happens? What if they don't laugh at my...stupidity(? hahaha), but they just get really mad? What if they get SO annoyed that by the half mark of the year, my korean doesn't end up being good enough still? What if they get annoyed at the beginning because I use to much water and take to long when I take a shower? What if they are mad that I like to stay up late? What if they get mad when I don't do my homework as much as my host sister does? What happens? What if they don't like me? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so worried about this now...because I was thinking about dorms and the advantages to being in a boarding school cuz I already know what its like...! I'm like...tearing up right now...because I'm SO worried that everything isn't going to be ok. I feel like...the bride feels at her wedding and she gets cold feet. I'm getting cold feet about the host family...and its not making me feel to good *sad face*
But, I'm also really excited!
Maybe after living with my first host family for the first six weeks...I'll be ok : D
Well, if you want to check out my school heres the link
have fun! and I'll totally post some great pictures of the school when I get there! : D
So, what should I do when I'm in Seoul? Is there something super cool for me to do there?

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