Friday, May 22, 2009

The Crying Has Begun

AH! Its the last day of school... well, the last day of classes...and I was crying during my English class...I was signing year books, and I'm just glad that we were just kind of chilling and not having a review I could go to the bathroom when I wanted to. Well, I was crying last night too...I had the last advisory dinner of the year last night...with all the people that I'll never see again...because we're all leaving (what do ya know? ha!) There are three seniors, Jo is going to another school, reed and Kendall are changing advisors, and no one knows whats going on with Mario, lol. But, Ciceley and Aya cheered me up. We're all going to have dinner on Saturday, and I hope that won't be a cry-fest or something. I wonder where we're going to eat though... Well, thats all for today~ Just my sadness~ : ( ...but...I'm happy at the same time : D!!! getting closer and closer to Korea!!!


  1. Things always happen at the same time.

  2. hmm. like complicated mood
    btw, have you figured out the transcript stuff? Hurry!!
    When you r in Korea, I can send you my great drawing of that pic on facebook muhahahahahaaaaah, I might finish it during summer >,<
    I'm done now!!woohoo Feel so good! Well, the thing is when you suddenly get all the stuff done, it sort of feels weird, you just dnk wht to do, b/c you hv so much things to do yet u dnk which should be the first... haha nvm I'm just complaining, I will be good.
    Are you at home now? How is everything going?

  3. ...first of all...I don't know who you are, lol. Tianzi? The transcript stuff is no biggy, I don't need it. What drawing are you talking about friend? haha, you might be "complaining" but I know exactly what you mean. you just got done with so many things and then have so much more to do, so you don't know what to do, lol. Right now I'm supposed to be cleaning the windowsiles in the living room : P I'm at home, everything is good~ : D How about you?

  4. ELIZABETH! i miss you, and i hope everything is going well in korea... email me sometime all about it, i got a new email address, its on my facebook page...

    i love you! hope your short summer was really good
