Friday, May 22, 2009

The Crying Has Begun

AH! Its the last day of school... well, the last day of classes...and I was crying during my English class...I was signing year books, and I'm just glad that we were just kind of chilling and not having a review I could go to the bathroom when I wanted to. Well, I was crying last night too...I had the last advisory dinner of the year last night...with all the people that I'll never see again...because we're all leaving (what do ya know? ha!) There are three seniors, Jo is going to another school, reed and Kendall are changing advisors, and no one knows whats going on with Mario, lol. But, Ciceley and Aya cheered me up. We're all going to have dinner on Saturday, and I hope that won't be a cry-fest or something. I wonder where we're going to eat though... Well, thats all for today~ Just my sadness~ : ( ...but...I'm happy at the same time : D!!! getting closer and closer to Korea!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can i talk the talk?

Today my dorm parent, Mrs. B, was on duty for the first time in a while. She was tutoring a Korean Student, we'll call him Andy, downstairs. He left for a while to get something from his dorm, and I told Mrs. B that I only had 53 days until I left for Korea. She proceeded to ask me if I had learned anything, and I told her that I had, and then introduced myself to her in Korean. Andy came back into the dorm, and Mrs. B is like, tell that to him! I was SOO nervous. I have no problem saying it to Katherine or Ala, because their friends I've had since last year. Then, after a while, Mrs. B told him to say hello to me first, but he messed everything up because he said hello in the casual, non-polite way. I was saying 안녕하새요. 저는 Elizabeth 이에요. But, its a little bit weird when he was just like, 안녕! Because I'm supposed to speak casual to him because he is the same age as me...but then again, I don't know him, but w/e. I said it, and then I thought that he said it was bad, and that he didn't understand what the hell I was saying. BLUH~ Then after bitching (sorry for the language) about it to Katherine, who said i sounded fine, I found out that he said he couldn't hear me. After all, I was upstairs, and he was downstairs. I was also facing the ceiling when I said it, because I wanted to look everywhere but at him. Well, I don't really care, it doesn't matter. I then gathered all of the Koreans numbers...well, from the people that I sort of knew. Me and Ji-Yun then ended up talking a lot. She's really nice! haha, she told me to call her if someone was mean to me, and she could beat them up. : D It was really nice of her to say that, haha. But, then again, I'm some Korean girls won't be mean to me......right? Whatever, in any case, I'll be a WHOLE lot bigger than them, lol. I really hope that I end up in Seoul so that I can see all the Koreans from my school during breaks and stuff. I can show them how much I improved and stuff. I realized that I really need to get over asking questions. I get SOOO nervous, like I did when I was asked to say something to Andy. I am also nervous about asking teachers questions, whether is a boy, girl, or elephant. I just can't ask any questions. I panic, and think I'm going to sound weird, or mess up on what I say, or stutter, or the question is really stupid, or someone in the class will be really annoyed that I'm asking a question. Why am I like that about it? Don't ask me! Just because I am myself, does not mean that I can explain myself to you : P. The last days of school are really sinking in, I'm starting to realize that I'm not going to be here next year, but at the same time...I think that I will for sure be coming back to my current school next year. Every time I go abroad...which this will only be the second time...I have a feeling the whole time before I get there, that I'm not really going. My parents will say no, The plane ticket wasn't bought, my passport is messed up, my bag will randomly have like...cocaine in it and I'll be arrested until my flight leaves for them only to find out that it was another persons powdered milk that somehow ended up in my bag, the plane will crash, I'll get taken to the hospital because I have a fever when I arrive and then get sent back to America. Then...when i finally get to my destination without any problems...I realize that...I'm actually there. Then I leave...and I think that I just woke up from a long relaxing dream...until I see the presents i got for everyone, and I'm wearing the countries I went to jacket with their flag on it. That's what happens. Its a horrible...agonizing process that really makes me stress out. I mean...for a period of time...I feel like...I might die, you know? Right now...I'm a believer though...partly because of Finals. I'm using Korea as an excuse to procrastinate and think about it all the time. Its horrible, but...the horrible thoughts about dying, and problems coming up everywhere...will be coming soon enough... well see. : P

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ready to recieve iiFORMATION~!

AHH! This really makes me soo mad! grrr.
I pretty much don't know anything about this program.
I know I'm going to leave around july 4th for an orientation, and
I know that I'll be getting to Korean "hopefully" on July 7th, and staying
there for the year. I don't know what school I'll be going to, if I'm
even going to be staying with a host family (which I really hope I'll get to)!
Its really making me mad. I want to know NOW!
maybe I'm just whining to much...but, I guess I'm just to excited to
wait for all the information.
I know that this is the pilot year for this program, so I shouldn't be so
Fridays have become the best days of the week for me. I know that
its Friday, so there is the weekend, which is just awsome anyways.
And, I've recieved three e-mails from the Korea program.
All of them, on Friday. In the last e-mail she said she would be sending
another e-mail with more information next week. So, I'm hoping
she means this Friday...or maybe even sooner! That would be great
too! Well, Elizabeth got impatient and is now off to lunch : D
Free seating today ^^ YAY!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Korea NSLI-ers on Facebook!

Yesterday I got a Friend request from a person going on the NSLI trip to Korea! We started talking, and then I decided to add some people from the email addresses you can see from one of the Ladies who e-mails us. It turns out that NSLI people have been adding each other on Facebook for the past few days, and trying to get to know each other before the big take-off. But, I really think that the only reason was to talk about how excited they are to someone thats not going to roll there eyes. I completely agree, every time I say something at school, someone is like...but you'll be gone, or just something depressing like...I wish you would get scared and come back here next year...but I'm glad you got in! ARG! Its pretty annoying. But, I've finally found some people to talk to about going and about asian stuff in general. Like their drama's and music, and they don't get annoyed with me or roll there eyes, or just plain glaze over. Its amazing! They know what I'm talking about and they completely agree with me! : D Also, today I got an e-mail from the Lady again, but this time it was about T-shirts! Everyone is going to have the same T-shirt! That is the most DORKY thing I've ever heard of! Its ok when your inside some huge church where no one can SEE you...but this is traveling around korea wearing the same just shouts TOURIST!!! LOOK AT ME!! I mean...people already look at americans funnily in asian countries...should we really give them another reason to? I mean...a whole pack of them...wearing the same T-shirts for crying out loud. But, I'm glad I get a T-Shirt! I like T-Shirts <3 haha. Well, I guess I'll just have to see. Hopefully, she means we'll wear them at the same time...during Washington D.C. rather than in Korea. That would uver suck. Well, time for bed...or staying up untill 1 on Facebook, God only knows what shall happen next... SO EXCITED! 59 days left!! ...well...actually 60 right now...but...59 in 2 hours : D I have to make the date as closseee as possible : D